For every investor, nothing is more frustrating than to lose your assets. That’s what it seems like when PancakeSwap has trouble detecting your BNB balance.
This little error can also cost you a lot of money when you need to exchange some highly volatile assets.
Is this technical issue caused by PancakeSwap, your wallet, or are you just doing something wrong? Well, usually, it’s caused by a small issue that lies in detail.
In this article, we’ll help you fix the issue with PancakeSwap showing 0 BNB balance. Let’s dive in!
Check that you have the correct network selected in your wallet. |
Make sure you have BNB on the BEP-20, not the BEP-2 network. |
What to do if PancakeSwap doesn’t detect my BNB Balance?
Before panicking, you need to check two minor things to make sure the issue is not on your side.
First, we’ll make sure you have the correct network selected. Usually, PancakeSwap will switch the network for you once you connect your wallet. But you may have accidentally changed the selected network, or the change was not done correctly.
The second possible cause is having your BNB tokens on the wrong network. The BNB Chain comes in two versions: Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20) and Binance Beacon Chain (BEP-2). This can’t happen on MetaMask, as it doesn’t support the BEP-2 network, but TrustWallet does.
If none of these holds the issue, it is probably not on your side. In that case, you will have to wait for the PancakeSwap team or your wallet team to fix the error. But don’t worry, in this case, we will also make sure that you really have the balance in your wallet using block explorer.
Ensure that you have the Binance Smart Chain Network Selected
The first easy fix is to check your wallet to see if you truly have the correct network selected.
PancakeSwap is a decentralized exchange built on the BNB Smart Chain, and that’s also the network your wallet needs to have selected. Unfortunately, dApps doesn’t communicate with your whole wallet but only with the selected network.
Open the wallet that you used to connect to PancakeSwap and click on the network selector. That is usually located somewhere near the top of the application. Then select the BNB Smart Chain network.
Alternatively, you can disconnect from PancakeSwap and reconnect your wallet. This will force change the network.
Check if your BNB is on the Smart Chain, not the Beacon Chain
It happens to the best of us. Both these networks are very similar in the name and in the name of the token standard (BEP-20 vs. BEP-2).
But PancakeSwap works only with the Binance Smart Chain network (BEP-20). This issue can happen especially for TrustWallet users.
Open your wallet and see that your balance is displayed under the correct network. Binance Smart Chain has a black icon, whereas Beacon Chain comes with a yellow one. If not, tap on “swap” and swap BNB for BNB on the correct network.
Unfortunately, this will cost you some additional fees.
If none of these worked, what now?
If none of the two solutions worked for you and PancakeSwap still shows zero balance, there may be an error on PancakeSwap’s side or your wallet’s side. Or it can happen that you really have zero balance.
You can start by checking the social media of the exchange and your wallet to see if they noticed any error.
Then using a block explorer, you can check if your wallet truly has any balance left. Simply copy your wallet address and head to BscScan (for Smart Chain) and the Beacon Chain Explorer. Paste in the corresponding address and see if there are any unapproved transactions.
You can check our guide on How to use Block Explorers, which will help you get around.