Who doesn’t want to make money in a completely autonomous way? Every second, money can be added to your imaginary bank account, and you can make money even while you sleep.
These are 20 easy ways you can make money even while you sleep. This listicle aims to show you the possibilities of how you can earn money passively. It is an extension of the article about money trees. While money trees are business systems that survive on their own, providing passive income even while you sleep.
For the sake of simplicity, we will classify each method into individual groups. These will obviously differ from the other groups at first glance.
Some of them might be simpler, which can be created by anyone and can soon make you money even in your sleep. Or others might need more preparation but offer more earning potential.
So how to make money while you sleep? Let’s dive in!
Use money to make money – Investing
In this category, you will be filled with mainly classic methods to make money while you sleep, which you might already know.
As Edgar Bronfman, a great American businessman once said: “To turn $100 into $110 is work. To turn 100 million into $110 million is inevitable.” And it is because of the money that makes you money and compounding with itself. There are many investments that make money while you sleep. However, we’ll focus on the most significant ones.
1. Stock, Index Funds & ETFs
In order to own any stock shares, you first need to open an account with a broker. There are many to choose from. When choosing one you should focus on the number of shares offered and the fees, as well as the security of the platform itself.
Among the biggest ones, for example:
- Robinhood
- Trading212 which is a partner of this article. By signing up using included link and depositing any minimal amount you will get a random share worth up to 100€!
You can invest in individual stocks, or Index Funds which are basically large collections of individual stocks. which offers the opportunity to invest without having to search and analyze individual companies. ETFs are similar but the main difference is in the ability to trade. ETFs can be traded during the normal stock market trading hours, whereas Index Funds can only be traded at the end of the trading day.
So the main earning option here is buying and selling at a profit.
2. Dividend Stocks
Dividend Stocks are a way in which you participate in a company’s profit. When a stock pays out dividends that means that these stocks will give you free money. Dividends are usually paid annually.
Alternatively, monthly, quarterly, or semi-annually. In this case, the full annual amount you would otherwise be entitled to is spread over the given period.
Some of the largest companies that pay a dividend include Coca-Cola, Chevron or Johnson & Johnson.
3. Retirement Funds
A retirement fund is a plan which provides retirement income. It is an investment option that allows you to save a portion of your income for retirement. Retirement funds are often offered by employers. In this case, it basically works automatically and you don’t have to worry about where to invest.
Or the widely used retirement fund is the IRA provided by the American government.
Retirement funds are highly alluring since they frequently come with applicable tax benefits. However, this is offset by the significant disadvantage that it will be difficult for you to access your saved and invested money until you actually reach retirement age.
4. Bonds
Bonds are not among the most profitable investment products. But on the other hand, they offer safe, almost risk-free investing if you invest in government bonds.
Bonds in simple words are loans. Someone borrowed money. But the creditor no longer wants to wait for the money, so he sells his claim. Basically for less than the total amount owed. You will then make a profit when you are paid more than the amount you bought the bond for.
5. Precious Metals
Precious metals are usually seen as safe investments where the price always goes up.
And this has a logical explanation. As the total stock of gold and other precious metals falls, their price rises. And since these precious metals are not fungible, their value increases consistently over time.
And since precious metals are physical many people are choosing this instead of stocks.
6. Collectibles

Collectibles are great alternative investments for everyone with some special hobbies. Due to its rarity and popularity, it is now worth significantly more than what it was originally sold for.
The word “Collectibles” includes any items of special value, such as:
- Paintings
- Books
- Antiques
- Wine bottles
- Stamps
- Cars
You can really imagine almost anything as a collectible. Try looking in the attic, and look if you can find some hidden treasure.
7. Cryptocurrencies
If you are not so interested in stocks or other investment options mentioned above why not try cryptocurrencies?
Trading won’t be a completely profitable option for everyone. Many hours of learning will precede being successful in cryptocurrency trading. Because 97% of people who trade are at a loss.
But what you can take advantage of is earning options with a high yield. There are other alternatives to trading, including staking, yield farming, lending, and Binance Dual Investment. With which you can get up to 200% APY without a problem.
Things to make money with no matter what
Investments are quite uncertain. You make a 300 percent profit one day, then lose everything the next.
Fortunately, there are ways that, no matter what, allow you to earn money while you sleep.
These things are usually built on the fact that people need something. It’s their natural need and when you provide it to them they’re happy to pay you for it.
8. Rent out your car
Similarly, how you can rent your home with Airbnb you can also rent your car. There are many services like Turo or HyreCar.
You can generate a decent income from this depending on the kind of car you own!
9. Buy Land
Like precious metals, collectibles, or real estate the value of land also appreciates over time.
There are many possibilities for what you can do with such a plot. If you choose to do nothing a land is still a great opportunity to keep your wealth and to appreciate with the passage of time. The great advantage is that such a plot requires little or no maintenance.
10. Solar Panels

One thing you can do with your plot if you don’t plan to build houses or commercial buildings there is to put up solar panels.
Of course, this is not an entirely affordable option. But a great opportunity is to install solar panels on the roof of your house. Your electric bill will go down significantly. And you can even sell any excess.
What’s great about this whole thing is that the government is very supportive of green electricity. You can get big grants to build solar panels, or you can even claim some tax breaks afterward.
11. Rental Property
Rental Property is another great tool to make your money while you sleep. And this is also tied to land.
You can either buy yourself Rental Property or build your own Duplex or Triplex.
Rental property can get you money in your sleep in two ways. First, you will get paid by your tenants. If you find a good tenant, you won’t even have to worry too much about it or the equipment you’ve provided for the apartment.
Second, the value of real estate increases over time. The value of your property could increase tenfold in a matter of years, just like in any other example given in this article.
12. Rent out anything you own
However, renting your belongings doesn’t have to apply only to vehicles or apartments. You can rent out pretty much anything.
Do you have any special tools in your garage? You can rent it when you’re not using it to get money while sleeping.
13. Buy a Vending Machine
A vending machine requires little upkeep but, if placed properly, can generate incredible profits.
You have undoubtedly worked in a workplace with such a vending machine. Additionally, you can find them in libraries, shopping centers, and train stations. locations that see tens of thousands of visitors each day.
If you find a decent location, you’ll be able to make tremendous money even while you’re sleeping.
14. Buy a Laundromats
Laundromats and vending machines share many similarities. Not everyone has a washing machine at home, yet everyone needs to do laundry. So It’s never a terrible idea to have a laundry service beside a hostel or in a shopping center.
People might need clean clothes even while you sleep, so technically you actually earn while sleeping.
13. CashBack Programs
We all spend quite a bit of time shopping because we need new clothes, food, etc. from time to time. However, there are cashback sites or browser extensions that can make your shopping experience more enjoyable.
You can choose from a list of your favorite shopping places including Walmart, Target, Amazon, or eBay and with one click you will get a discount in a form of cashback.
An example of such a service is Rakuten or BeFrugal. These services include Walmart, Amazon, Target, and even eBay. Additionally, if you sign up for BeFrugal using my link, you’ll receive a free $10.
14. Honeygain

You can earn money just by using your computer. But Honeygain will not damage your hardware or it won’t increase your energy consumption. Honeygain will actively, 24/7 sell your unused internet bandwidth. You pay your internet provider for the service even though you don’t use it as a whole, and Honeygain will help you make money from it. Every 10GB shared is worth $1.
Honeygain is not a big money-making app that will make you thousands of dollars. You can use it to make modest amounts of money over a lengthy period of time.
16. Start a Business
You can start a business if you have a unique skill that not many people possess or if you can convince people that your everyday skill is something special.
After putting a lot of work into it, you should be able to set up systems or people to carry out your tasks. While you are enjoying your passive income while you sleep.
17. Buy a Business
Actually, you can purchase an existing business rather than starting one from scratch. Franchises of well-known brands are a secure bet if you have some startup capital to invest.
Buy a McDonald’s franchise and you certainly won’t be flipping burgers in there.
Make money on the internet while you sleep
18. Blogging
There are multiple ways your blog can passively make money.
- Income from ads
- Selling products or Services
- Affiliate Marketing
Each of the options could easily have its own position in this article. Choose the right niche, get readers and make money while you sleep. Although it might seem simple, the contrary is true. It takes a lot of work to create a successful blog while maintaining your website, doing keyword research, doing SEO, and waiting for Google to notice you… Which typically takes at least six months.
19. E-courses and E-books
Courses and e-books don’t need to be sold solely on your website. You can also sell them on platforms such as Amazon in the case of e-books or Udemy in the case of courses.
The best part is that you create content once and it can make you money forever. Without any maintenance.
20. Print on Demand products
Use a site like RedBubble to create unique products using your design. You can use any social media to promote your designs.
With RedBubble your options are vast, you can create:
- Mugs
- T-Shirts
- Hoodies
- Pictures
- Clock
But everyone’s favorite option is stickers. They are simple to design and the cheapest to buy, so you can achieve great sales. You get a commission on every sale.
Of course, you can also start your own e-shop with your own products. But this is not only financially but also time-consuming. There is already a crowd of active users waiting for you on the Print on Demand website.
It might not be easy at the start, but anyone can make money while they sleep. However, the important thing is to make a decision and try it out, and get started.
Even if you fail the first time the next attempt may be the breakthrough one. Before I discovered what I truly enjoy, I too failed several times.
But the best way to make money while you sleep is the one you truly enjoy. If you do something you don’t enjoy eventually it will catch up with you and you will burn out.
As Waren Buffet said: “If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.”